Buddha - Blessing Buddha This pose of Buddha seated with one hand raised in a blessing gesture has two meanings, and they are interrelated. The first is protection where the raised hand acts as a shield to keep out negativity and danger. The second meaning is overcome fear to be at peace with oneself.
The Blessing Buddha and Protection Buddha statue are the same pose, but are used for different reasons in Feng shui. The pose depicts Buddha bestowing blessings with his upper hand gesture of the right hand palm facing out. This hand gesture is also used to dispel fear and is commonly viewed as a gesture of a shield. This is known as the mudra, Abhayamudra or gesture of fearlessness. The pose is meant to give a feeling of reassurance and divine protection. The other hand rests in the Buddha's lap, open and facing upward as a gesture of compassion. Some depictions feature the other hand extended out in a gesture of comfort.